The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Corporate Awards

First-ever Jury Led Corporate Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards celebrates outstanding achievement in the realm of corporate awards. It firmly believes that corporate leaders who excel in ethical practices, social responsibility, and industry-shaping contributions deserve recognition on a global platform. This prestigious award ceremony shines a spotlight [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards : HR Awards

First-ever Jury Led HR Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards honors the exceptional individuals who are revolutionizing the HR landscape in its HR Awards category. Often working tirelessly behind the scenes, HR professionals play a pivotal role in shaping company culture, fostering innovation, and attracting top talent. Their [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards : Business Awards

First-ever Jury Led Business Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The world of business thrives on innovation, impactful leadership, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards take center stage to celebrate these very qualities through our prestigious Business Awards. Business Leaders navigate complex landscapes, champion groundbreaking ideas, and leave [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards : Marketing Awards

First-ever Jury Led Marketing Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The masterminds behind strategies capturing attention, igniting imaginations, and forging connections – the marketers – often remain unseen. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards take center stage to illuminate these brilliant minds through our esteemed marketing awards category. We celebrate the creative visionaries, the [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards : Entrepreneur Awards

First-ever Jury Led Marketing Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The spirit of innovation and the courage to chase a vision – these are the hallmarks of a true entrepreneur. Yet, their tireless efforts often go unrecognized. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards celebrate these remarkable individuals through our prestigious Entrepreneur Awards. As we [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Advertising Awards

First-ever Jury Led Advertising Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   Advertisers are the storytellers who weave captivating narratives that resonate with audiences. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards take immense pride in celebrating these very individuals through our prestigious Advertising Awards. It is a tribute to their groundbreaking campaigns and a wellspring of inspiration [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Healthcare Awards

First-ever Jury Led Healthcare Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   Healthcare professionals are the frontline heroes who tirelessly work to improve lives, advance medical knowledge, and ensure the well-being of countless individuals. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards recognizes the extraordinary talents of these individuals who are shaping the future of healthcare through our [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Real Estate Awards

First-ever Jury Led Real Estate Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The world we live, work, and thrive in is shaped by the vision and expertise of real estate professionals. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards take center stage to celebrate these architects of our communities through our prestigious Real Estate Awards. It is [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Education Awards

First-ever Jury Led Education Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   Educators play a truly transformative role in the enduring quest to nurture knowledge, empower potential, and shape the future. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards serve as a global platform to acknowledge the extraordinary contributions of these individuals through its education awards. We celebrate [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Small Business Awards

First-ever Jury Led Small Business Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The backbone of any thriving economy lies in the unwavering spirit and innovation of small businesses. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards takes pride in celebrating these remarkable changemakers through our prestigious Small Business Awards. We celebrate their resilience, innovative spirit, and the [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Health Services Awards

First-ever Jury Led Health Services Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The unwavering dedication and exceptional skills of health professionals are nothing short of heroic. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards take immense pride in celebrating these remarkable individuals through our prestigious Health Services Awards. We celebrate their dedication that goes beyond the call [...]

The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards: Architecture Awards

First-ever Jury Led Architecture Awards: Be Recognized on the World Stage   The built environment around us – a symbol of human ingenuity and artistry – is shaped by the vision and creativity of architects. The Forttuna Global Excellence Awards take center stage to celebrate these architects, the visionaries who transform our skylines, through our [...]